Thursday, August 12, 2010

My First job

I swam with a friend today who mentioned that she wanted to know more about life in academia. Initially it took me by surprise, no one has really asked me that before.... I needed some time to think and figure out a response.

I realized I rarely discuss my life as an assistant professor, its not because I am not proud of what I do, I am, I just don't talk about it. Partly because I keep my personal life close to me, partly because I don't want to force people to listen about life in academics, and partly because I am still surprised that this is the career path that I chose to walk down. It was never my intention to 'teach' or do 'research'.

I wanted to coach swimming, I love/d coaching swimming, its easy for me to coach swimming. I know it inside out, I can look at someone in a pool and determine in seconds what they need to do to be more efficient. I can look at someone standing on pool deck and know what their body position will be like in the water. I am at home in a swimming environment. Can I say the same regarding my position as an assistant professor? ......... the answer is to be determined I guess. It takes years of deliberate practice :) - for anyone to become an expert in their field.

Doing my PhD kind of happened by accident (whaaaaat), I stumbled upon it in my quest to find out who I was. Somewhere along the way I decided coaching would be for me, I interviewed at several school, was offered jobs at some of these schools, but something inside of me told me 'no' don't accept. So I stayed at IU to complete my PhD. I was close to finishing and I applied for jobs as an assistant professor in a poor economy. Luckily I found a great job at MTU - thankfully they liked me enough to give me my first real paying job - I know you graduate students know what I am talking about here.

Am I in my comfort zone - ha!!!! absolutely not. I am challenged everyday to be a better teacher, better advisor, I am still learning - I feel like a graduate student more now than ever........ I call my advisor from IU ALL THE TIME!!!!! - Do I still want to coach - absolutely, I think about it everyday, BUT, I like what I do now too. I like the diversity of the students, I like finding ways to make learning fun. I am not a professor that wants to make a students life difficult, I don't want to 'put them through hard times, just because I experienced it', in fact I go out of my way to make sure I don't do that. I seek those that avoid me, I want each of them to engage in the learning experience. Some 'wiser' professors tell me I will change - that I put in too much 'effort' but right now it doesn't seem like effort and I hope I don't change to that 'bitter' professor that forgot why they wanted to be in academia to start with.

I am gearing up for my second year at MTU, I am coming off a good year and I am hoping the second year will be better.......... one thing I have learned this year as much as I hate to admit this - it is a challenge for women in academia, is it better than it used to be? I don't know I am assuming so.......... its not something I have experienced until now and so I feel I can't accurately comment on it. I certainly haven't really experienced anything negative but I do listen and learn from other female faculty from MTU and other Universities. Do I think some of what I have heard is 'over the top'? Ha!! absolutely, but unfortunately there is merit to some things!! (more on this another time)

all in all, my life in Houghton is fun and exciting, my friends are fab and I like my job!!!!!


  1. yaay! thanks for sharing this. isn't it funny how the phd comes around? when I was an undergrad I had no *idea* that academia is what I wanted to do. Now, I couldn't be happier with thoughts of what my future holds...

  2. Nice blog. If I ever end up going back to school I'll talk to you first.
